Monday, April 1, 2013

12. Endless Blue (Sinful Colors) - A Polish That Is Blue

Endless Blue (Sinful Colors) is an unreal cobalt blue creme that  there are few words for other than "WOW!". I just swatched this polish last month but I had to bring it back for this challenge because there isn't another blue from my stash I'd pick for this prompt. A bit of thinner worked out the application issues I had in the first post and it applied well with opacity in two coats. That peek of orange on my pinkie is Thimbleberry (Sinful Colors) which I'll swatch soon.

Polish that:
is blue

is new
is from a favorite brand
has a name that describes me
is a glitter

is my favorite
is my least favorite 
makes me happy
is "so me"
reminds me of a special day

is worn often
was gifted to me
is from a least favorite brand
was loved but is now hated
is overrated

is a pastel
was hated but is now loved
would be worn to a wedding
hasn't been worn in some time

is hard to apply
is sexy
i can't pull off
matches my favorite outfit