Friday, March 15, 2013

7. The Impossible (OPI) - A Polish That Was Coveted

I finally got OPI's The Impossible from the Mariah Carey collection. A bit underwhelmed if I have to be honest. It's a fun polish, a pinkish red jelly base full of shimmer and texture and stars. It's very pretty but I wanted more (for some reason I expected holo glitter like Get Your Number had). It required three coats to opacity, but I honestly can't tell you how many coats are in the pics because I had to do some major fishing for the stars.

Polish that:
is my favorite
is my least favorite 
makes me happy
is "so me"
reminds me of a special day
has never been wornis worn often
was gifted to me
is vampy
is boring
is from a favorite brand
is from a least favorite brand
is blue
is inexpensive
has a name that describes me
was loved but is now hated
is overrated
was coveted
is from my favorite collection

is a glitter
is a pastel
was hated but is now loved
would be worn to a wedding
hasn't been worn in some time
is easy to apply

is hard to apply
is sexy
is new
i can't pull off
matches my favorite outfit