Sunday, March 10, 2013

H is for Harvest Moon (China Glaze) - A Polish That Is From My Favorite Collection

Without a doubt, one of my favorite collections from last year was China Glaze's Hunger Games Capitol Colours Collection released around this time last year. It was the best of both worlds, really awesome books and really awesome nail polish.

The first time I saw the swatches I wanted them fiercely as everyone else did. One of my favorites from this favorite collection is the perfectly named Harvest Moon for District 9. It is a stunning copper foil with great application and full coverage at two coats. This is one of my go-tos for quick and easy manis that still look great.

Love this polish!

Polish that:
is my favorite
is my least favorite 
makes me happy
is "so me"
reminds me of a special day
has never been worn
is worn often
was gifted to me
is vampy
is boring
is from a favorite brand
is from a least favorite brand
is blue
is inexpensive
has a name that describes me
was loved but is now hated
is overrated
was coveted
is from my favorite collection

is a glitter
is a pastel
was hated but is now loved
would be worn to a wedding
hasn't been worn in some time
is easy to apply
is hard to apply
is sexy
is new
i can't pull off
matches my favorite outfit