Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sweet Hook (China Glaze)

Sweet Hook (China Glaze)
Price: $5.50
MSRP: 7.50
I will probably spend most of this season slowly, very slowly, acquiring more of China Glaze's 2012 Electropop Collection. This is Sweet Hook and it's a pretty lilac pastel with pink hues (a little more to the red side and it'd be a pastel pink actually). Application was not so good. It took three coats because it was extremely streaky. I expected this because it is a pastel, but I was still surprised I needed three coats. Still, it's a pretty color to have in my collection.

I found there was no way I could use flash for these pictures and not lose all the color- and for my camera I need flash for good, non-grainy pictures; however I figured that even though my skin looks a bit sallow and green, you get a good grasp of what the color might look like.

List of Electropop Collection colors on my wishlist:

  • Electric Beat (it's a blue and I've got lots of blues but it's a really pretty blue and it's not in the For Audrey or Kinetic Candy blue family which I have and that means something)
  • Fuschia Fanatic (this pink puts me on the fence because it's so... candy pink, but I want it... I think?) 
  • Gaga For Green (straight up green creme, not my quickest choice but I like it better than Essie's Pretty Edgy)
  • Gothic Lolita (I call it a pretty rad purple- just ignore that I used the word rad)
  • Sweet Hook (got it!)
  • Kinetic Candy (got it!).